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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Smore Sticks

Looking for an adorable treat for a barbecue or a camp out?  How cute are these?  There's hardly anything to them, yet they look so cute and taste so good!!  Whether your hosting yourself or going to a party, they make a great treat!!  I mean who doesn't love smores?
Smores Sticks

 While at the grocery store the other day I happen to come across these Pocky sticks (found in the asian food section)  and I thought they were interesting.  I was determined to come up with with something to make with them.  The first thought I had was something along the lines of a smore, seeing that when I tried one it already tasted like the graham cracker and the chocolate.  From there it was pretty simple, I simply poked the sticks right  though some mini marshmallows.  They turned out so cute and tasted great.  Makes a cute gift for a camping  themed party or any summer get together.

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