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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Project Parade #29

It's Time For Project Parade!!  

We are so excited to have you!!

Rules of the party:

Please be sure to grab our button and post it on your site!
Be sure to visit at least 2 other links!
No givaways, shops, or other linky parties are to be posted!
Have Fun!!
Don't forget to  grab our Button!
 If you were our featured blog of the week, don't forget to grab a featured button!

Also, don't forget to follow along on our 
Project Parade Pinterest Board!

Check out all of our favorite pins here!

Have Fun!!
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' $(e).html(html); //correct href for images so they point to Pinterest $(function() { $('.rssFeed a').each(function() { var href = $(this).attr('href'); $(this).attr('href', '' + href); $('.rssFeed img').attr('nopin','nopin'); }); }); }; })(jQuery); })(jQuery);

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