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Monday, October 14, 2013

Yarn Trees

Again, trying to make some new winter decorations without going out investing in brand new things, I had some materials right here at home.  All I needed was some yarn, white felt, and styrofoam cones.  On a side note, whenever I'm at a thrift store and see any crafting materials, I usually grab them, knowing I will someday find something to do with them.  I started by hot glueing my yarn at the top of the cone and winding it around, stopping on occasion to secure with more hot glue.  As for the felt tree, I cut out many pieces in somewhat of a leaf shape.  Starting at the bottom, I hot glued them on one by one, one row at a time until reaching the top.  Winter will be arriving before we know it, a few more projects, and I will soon be ready!
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